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Legacy ScreenIO 2.4 Y2K compliance

In general, if you have kept your maintenance agreement with us current, you should not have problems with Year 2000 issues as a result of using NORCOM software products.

If you have not kept current, however, you may have a problem with applications that use ScreenIO 2.1 and 2.2.  Free updates are available for these products for the CA-Realia 3.1 compiler.  If you do not wish to upgrade to current compilers but still require Y2K compliant libraries for older compilers, please contact to obtain them.

If you're still running ancient versions of the Realia compiler, you can download ScreenIO object libraries which have fixes for the Y2K problem.  Just relink your application.

Download the CA-Realia 4.2-compatible ScreenIO.lib

Download the CA-Realia 3.1-compatible ScreenIO.lib

Y2K update

We're very happy to report that, even though we were in the office most of the day over the 2000 New Year's weekend, we didn't receive a single phone call or email.

Monday, January 3rd, 2000, we had only three reports of problems; all involved ancient software created with versions of ScreenIO dating back to the early 90's and all had let their maintenance lapse prior to 1994.  In spite of this - and most importantly - we had everyone back in business within a couple of hours.

In a somewhat ironic twist, one of the three failures happened to be a user in Juneau, Alaska, about ten miles from our office. (How the heck did THAT happen?)

Anyway, it seems as though people did a great job of tracking down potential problems and fixing them before the end of the year.  Please accept our congratulations.

No problems have been reported for any of our other software products.











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