GUI ScreenIO for Windows

Multiple Working-set Events

These are the events of interest to a multiple working-set application. 

Event Cause/Program response required
panel-EVENT-CLOSE-WINDOW The user clicked the X box in a popup or property sheet.

Normally, just display a previously-displayed panel to cause GUI ScreenIO to automatically close the popup.

If this is the first popup of a working-set, use the panel-DO-CLOSE display option to close the working-set.

This is the only time that you need to close a panel manually; GUI ScreenIO will otherwise close panels automatically when it is appropriate.

Note: Closing the first panel of a working-set will automatically close all other panels in the set.

panel-EVENT-INACTIVATED The user clicked on a panel in a different working-set.

The panel the user wishes to activate will usually be in panel-ACTIVATED-PANEL-NAME, and the set will be in panel-ACTIVATED-WORKING-SET.  Call GUI ScreenIO to display the panel the user wishes to activate, which will cause that panel to become active.

Note: In some situations, GUI ScreenIO may be unable to supply the name and set of the panel to be activated; your program should handle this situation.  Generally, you would activate set 1, the "home" set of your application.

panel-EVENT-MINIMIZE The user clicked on the minimize button of a popup in a multiple working-set application, which causes the popup to be minimized and moved to the lower-left corner of the desktop. 

The 88-level item for panel-EVENT-INACTIVATE includes the event-ID for panel-EVENT-MINIMIZE so that your code for panel-EVENT-INACTIVATE will automatically handle this event.  It is not necessary to specifically handle this event unless it is required by the design of your application.

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