GUI ScreenIO for Windows

The listview-CLICLCOLn event

A listview-CLICK-COLn event is returned when the user clicks on the heading of a listview column.   

You will not receive this event unless you enable it in the panel editor, on the General page of the listview's properties.

Data returned with this event

None of these fields are needed to process this event, though you may use listview-TOP-OF-LIST-KEY to reposition the list when you handle this event. 

Returned but not used to handle this event

In panel-3 area Data
listview-MAX Maximum number records that may be passed in the listview buffer, useful for PERFORMed loops when loading records to  your listview buffer.
listview-SEL1-KEY The value of the invisible key column for the first selected record in the list.
listview-SEL2-KEY The value of the invisible key column for the last selected record record in the list. 

Note:  Since GUI ScreenIO does not presently support a selection range (multiple record selections), this field is always the same as listview-SEL1-KEY.

listview-TOP-OF-LIST-KEY The value of the invisible key column for the first (top) record that is visible in the listview control.
All other fields Set to LOW-VALUES.
In panel-4 area Data
listview Number of items in the list that are selected.

Usual response

Reset the list and reload it, sorted on the data in this column.  If the user clicks the column again, sort it in the reverse order.

If you like, you may position the list to (approximately) the same place by moving listview-TOP-OF-LIST-KEY to listview-SCROLL-TO-KEY and loading the list from that position in the file.

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