GUI ScreenIO for Windows

Panel Display Options

The panel display options direct GUI ScreenIO how to display your panel, and whether to return immediately or not.  You specify the desired display option by setting its 88-level name to TRUE.  For example, to cause GUI ScreenIO to display the panel and immediately return to your program (without waiting for a user action), do this before you call GUI ScreenIO:


Default:  panel-DO-DISPLAY

panel-DO-DISPLAY causes GUI ScreenIO to display the panel (and update its contents), and then wait for the user to select a menu option, press a button, or generate some other event before returning.  This is the behavior you usually want when you display a panel.

GUI ScreenIO always resets the display option to panel-DO-DISPLAY when it returns to your program.  Therefore, unless you want something other than the normal behavior, you don't need to do anything.

You only need to set the display option when you want something special to happen. 


GUI ScreenIO closes panels automatically when it's appropriate.  Because of this, you do not need to close them manually, and we recommend that you not do so because it adds needless complexity to your program.

It is only necessary to use panel-DO-CLOSE in these two cases:

 On the call to GUI ScreenIO to display your panel:

Display Option Action
panel-DO-ACTIVATE Activates a panel without updating the content; not recommended; use the default panel-DO-DISPLAY instead.
panel-DO-CLOSE Closes the panel.  GUI ScreenIO normally closes panels automatically, so you don't need to (and shouldn't) do this.

Should only be used to close the main before STOP RUN, or to close the first panel of a set in a multiple working-set application.

Failure to Close the main will mean that GUI ScreenIO will not remember the size and position of panels from one run of your application to the next.

panel-DO-DISPLAY Default; displays the panel and waits for user input.
panel-DO-DISPLAY-AND-RETURN Displays the panel and immediately returns to your program.

Note:  Main panels are initialized to panel-DO-DISPLAY-AND-RETURN so that they immediately return following their initial display. 

All other panels are initialized to panel-DO-DISPLAY.

panel-DO-MAXIMIZE Maximizes the panel; if a base panel, causes it to fill the display area.  If a popup, makes it the maximum size specified when the panel was defined in the panel editor.
panel-DO-MINIMIZE Minimizes the panel.
panel-DO-RESTORE If the panel was minimized, restore it to the state it was in when it was minimized.
panel-DO-UPDATE-MENU-ITEMS Used to update the contents of the menu if you have changed them, then immediately returns to your program.

On return from GUI ScreenIO::

This value is reset by GUI ScreenIO to panel-DO-DISPLAY, which is the default.

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